Le Senateur

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S'enregistrer au Flux RSS Le Sénat du Canada
Jun 20

My Call for an Investigation into Senator Boisvenu

In a letter available here, I have requested that the Senate Ethics Officer, Ms. Lyse Ricard, investigate into the conduct of Senator Pierre-Hugues Boisvenu.

The Senate is not a family-run business where you can hire friends and relatives and give them time off depending on your mood. It is an essential institution, a pillar of our democratic system.

To clarify, my request is based on public statements by Senator Boisvenu and facts widely reported by the media.

The Senate has been a victim of the unethical behavior of a few of its members due to the misguided appointments of Prime Minister Harper; it deserves to be treated as a victim.



Jun 19

Tax Evasion is a Crime … Tax Havens Must be Destroyed

Study on the Proceeds of Crime (Money Laundering) and Terrorist Financing Act

Tenth Report of Banking, Trade and Commerce Committee Adopted


Honourable senators, allow me to say that the exercise we went through between January 2012 and March 2013 was something I had gone through before. The audit by the agency tasked with studying the issue of money laundering was set up just over 10 years ago, and we are still learning. We have to understand that it is hard to deal with this issue.

I want to thank all those who contributed, especially our chair, who was very open to hearing from the many different groups that appeared before the committee. We heard from 69 witnesses. Some were from the same department, but they talked about different sections and problems. Nonetheless, the work done by the Standing Senate Committee on Banking, Trade and Commerce was in keeping with what we expect from an institution such as the Senate: look at new issues, examine them thoroughly and advise the minister who asked for our view on what methods to use to correct the situation. read more... read more…

Jun 13

National Liberal Women’s Caucus

On June 12, 2013, the National Liberal Women’s Caucus, joined by Liberal leader Justin Trudeau, met to discuss and prepare the women’s agenda for the upcoming Liberal Caucus meeting this summer in Charlottetown, P.E.I.

Jun 13

STATEMENT - United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea

Inclusion of Aboriginal Peoples in Treaty Negotiations

Honourable senators, the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea is a complex, highly important and comprehensive international treaty that addresses important issues such as the sovereignty of states, the development of available resources, international trade, environmental protection and military activities. Nations have already divided up the land, often as a result of major conflicts and wars. For the past 50 years, nations have been conducting negotiations on how to divide up the sea, that is, the marine territory, the seabed and the marine subsoil.

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May 24

The Bloomberg Canada Economic Summit, May 21, 2021

Senator Céline Hervieux-Payette was invited to speak at The Bloomberg Canada Economic Summit on May 21, 2013, which took place at the TIFF Bell Lightbox in Toronto.  The Summit convened government officials, business leaders and industry titans in banking, energy, commodities and technology and examined Canada’s role as a major destination for investment and a supplier of capital around the world.  read more... read more…


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